The Ultimate Detox Drink

Are you looking for a way to jump start your health without spending a ton of money? Maybe you just returned from an all-inclusive resort where you got used to the endless all-you-can eat buffets or you’re recovering from the holiday party circuit. Well, you’re in luck because I created an all-natural, low cost way detox drink recipe to get you back on the healthy, feel good track! 

The Story Behind The Ultimate Detox Recipe

I created this ultimate detox smoothie concoction after taking a “free” health assessment on a cruise. While the health assessment was informative, it ended with me being locked inside a college intern’s office where she attempted to sell me a collection of detox supplements that cost quite a bit of money.  

Although I did feel sorry for her because she worked on commission, I was not about to sign up to buy some supplements I knew nothing about nor was I going to blow hundreds of dollars on top of my already pricy vacation knowing I’d regret it when the credit card bill came later! 

Instead, I quietly noted the name of the supplements in my head and did research on them later. It turns out that I could easily find substitute items for most of the nutrients in the dietary supplements in my everyday grocery store! So, I decided to whip up my own creation. After some trial and error, I came up with my very own detox drink and it does not taste half bad!  

In addition to being packed with an A-list of healthy edibles and fiber, my detox drink is affordable, banishes belly bloat, and really curbs my appetite when I need to shed a few pounds.  

A Few Words of Advice About Dieting

Note that this detox drink is NOT intended to replace meals. It is meant to be a between meals aid to keep you full. Though, you could add a scoop of protein powder, avocado, or a tablespoon or two of nut butter to make it a meal substitute. Just make sure you eat real food for your other daily meals!  

Personally, I don’t believe in dieting. I follow a pretty strict 80/20 rule where I eat as much fruits and vegetables and healthy food as I can most of the time and splurge here and there. I also exercise daily. This practice, along with my trusty detox drink keeps me within a few pounds of my optimal weight most of the time.

Also, drink PLENTY of WATER!! The practically ageless Jennifer Aniston’s secret to youthfulness is to “eat as much organic fruit and vegetables as you can, keep sugar (intake) low, drink tons and tons of water, and get good sleep”.

Detox Drink Nutrients

Before I launch into the detox recipe, I am going to list out each nutrient and explain its benefits. You’re going to be amazed at how much good stuff you can pack into a blender! You can either follow my detox recipe exactly or experiment by adding your own flair to it! 


This green, leafy powerhouse isn’t just a magic potion for Popeye! Spinach is loaded with vitamins and minerals, including iron and calcium. It contains plant compounds that fight aging, improve eyesight, and fight off chronic illness. It is also high in insoluble fiber and has high water content, which is great for digestion and reducing bloating.

I’m strong to the finish, ’cause I eats me Spinach, I’m Popeye the sailor man!

~ Popeye

Lemon Juice

This citrus fruit adds a healthy dose of Vitamin C to your drink to ward off seasonal colds. Lemon juice is a diuretic that detoxifies and activates your digestive enzymes to keep bloating at bay. It also adds a nice balance to the acid from the vinegar. 

Apple Cider Vinegar

The University of Chicago Medicine validates that apple cider vinegar can have a modest effect control blood sugar and boost weight loss. As with all foods and supplements, it should be taken in moderation. Large doses can cause acid reflux and nobody wants that!


This emerald-colored gem has just 16 calories per cup. Cucumbers are 95% water, so they are excellent for hydrating and pushing out excess toxins. They contain anti-inflammatory and cancer-fighting compounds too! 

For an amusing nutrition lesson on the benefits of cucumber, check out Macka B on YouTube!

Cucumber Cucumber 
Put it in a jug of water overnight 
You know what you get for a fraction of the price 
Energy full of electrolytes 

~ Macka B

Psyllium Husk Powder

This is a great add in to keep on hand to thicken smoothies as well as to sneak into baked mixes. Psyllium is an all-natural soluble fiber that comes from an herb. It adds a healthy dose of fiber and promotes regularity. The fiber also keeps you full and controls blood sugar to control your appetite throughout the day. High fiber diets can help reduce blood pressure and cholesterol too!


Ginger has been used in medicine since ancient times to ease gastrointestinal issues and improve digestion. It can also help reduce inflammation and protect against infection and colds. On top of that, it adds a subtle flavor to the detox drink.

Aloe Vera

This is an optional add-in for your detox drink. Aloe vera has been reported to contain antioxidants, which could slow the aging process by protecting against free radicals, aid digestion, reduce inflammation, and has even been used to treat chronic ulcers

If you decide to attempt the whole leaf, it is very important that you cut off all of the hard green and yellow outer layer and only consume the gel part. 

There have been some concerns over the effects of aloe vera on the kidneys. It is always best to check with your physician before introducing this into your diet!

While it is a little more work, I do prefer to buy a big aloe vera leaf from my grocery store and use the fresh pulp or gel, which is just under the thick layer of skin. I chop up 3-4 pieces at a time and store it in a plastic container in my fridge. Then, I wrap the leaf up in plastic wrap. Sometimes the ends get a little brown, but I just slice off the end and then chop up a few more pieces as I need them and the leaf tends to stay in good shape for a couple of weeks.  


Are you looking for a way to jump start your health without spending a ton of money? Thie Ultimate Detox Smoothie is an all-natural, low cost, vitamin and nutrient-rich elixir that will get you feeling and looking good in no time!


Combine all ingredients and blend on the highest setting until it is smooth and creamy. A powerful blender such as a Ninja or Vitamix works best for quick mixing.

SHORTCUT TIP: I like to make a big batch in a pitcher and store it in my fridge for a few days. I just give my storage container a good shake to re-mix the contents before pouring.

If you’re looking for a drink that will jumpstart your way to healthy eating, cleanse toxins, and keep you full, give this detox solution a try. It may not be the best tasting upon your first sip, but give it a chance for at least three days. You’ll find that you begin to look forward to it each day!  

Also remember, as Jennifer Aniston says, drink TONS and TONS of water. Eat as healthy as you can and exercise too and you’ll be looking good and most importantly, feeling great! 

Other Ways to Stay Healthy

In addition to having a detox drink full of nutrients, daily exercise can boost your health. Check out our other links for workout motivation and tips:

Thie Ultimate Detox Smoothie is an all-natural, low cost, vitamin and nutrient-rich elixir that will get you feeling and looking good in no time! #healthyliving #detox #weightloss #healthyrecipes
Thie Ultimate Detox Smoothie is an all-natural, low cost, vitamin and nutrient-rich elixir that will get you feeling and looking good in no time! #healthyliving #detox #weightloss #healthyrecipes

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  1. This is great! I have been planning to do some detox after all festivities last holidays. Thank you for sharing your recipe. Can’t wait to try this. Thank you for sharing other ways to stay healthy too.

  2. always tempted to try out a detox drink but never did before.. your ingredient list does sound like it is something i want to try

  3. Detoxification makes body healthful and fresh. It is the process of eliminating toxic substances from your body. There is not a single detox that will do the job for everybody, but there are some I think are far better than others and I try diets all of the time.

  4. I had to pin this because I can taste how healthy this is just by reading your post. I am going to make this my daily health dose. Some of the ingredients I take already on a daily base but it is easy to convert it into this smoothie. Great stuff!

  5. I always put spinach in all our smoothies, usually with berries, coconut milk, banana, and some kind of protein. Can you taste the vinegar a lot? I don’t usually add vinegar to stuff because of the strong taste (and we brew Kombucha which has many of the same benefits).

    1. I feel like the lemon juice and vinegar cancel each other out, but you can always experiment by adding/removing ingredients. Sometimes I also throw in some apple and nut butter if I want to make it higher in calories and more of a snack.

  6. I love this!! I have been looking for different detox drinks lately all over the internet and I’m so glad you shared this! It looks super easy and fast to make and so very healthy. I cannot wait to try it.

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